Time Time Time

Life’s too short, really. How can one accommodate everything one wants to do in mere 24 hours a day? There’s so much to do and so less time.

Let’s break it down. A perfect life would be where I can

Read at least 2 hours a day

Write for say 1 hour

Workout for 2 hours

Watch T.V. for say 1 hour

Watch a movie, so say 2 ½ hours

Attend college (including time for conveyance - 10 hours)

Sleep say 6 hours

And do other routine stuff (like gettin’ ready, eating etc., delays and buffer time included) that’s 3 hours.

That’s already 27 ½ hours.

And I haven’t added the time for my studies yet which, given the stage at which my career is right now, should be 4-5 hours at least.

My being procrastinator doesn’t help things out.

Priority check? Scheduled!

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