Still not "too late".

Hard times are round the corner.

College is about to get over soon and so it’s the time to make a choice.

Everyone can relate to this since everyone, old enough, has been through this confusing period. This is the part where you give final touches to your future.

Of course, something like this happens when you pass out of school and go to college. But first of all, in most cases, at that point of time parents make the choice and push their child into it (in India they do!), and secondly, life still gives you a second chance to make that choice when you are about to graduate.

So here I am, with choices and options galore, but totally confused and kinda freaked out.

I got a call from Indian Air Force; I can try to clear SSB.

I can study for CAT again (with much better effort).

I can apply for post graduation or specialization in some field.

I have half a mind to start some independent venture.

And I may, obviously, join Infosys, hassle-free.

Or I can apply for a job some place better.

But to tell the truth, I’m more scared than confused. I just might take the easy way out (read join Infosys) simply because I don’t think I’m capable of anything better. I still sometimes think that I got what I have because of luck and I didn’t actually deserve it.

That’s what happens when you let others make choices for you. It’s really hard to get outta this shit. If you’re reading this please remember

It’s your life, live it your way (and also let others live their way!).

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