Of Birthdays.

Got a break from college today.

Our CM’s father expired. So it was an off-day (nothing to be happy about, I mean I was all set for college when the news came in, so no luxury of sleeping till noon or anything, and, of course, someone died).

Ironically (not really, but from a weird point of view), it’s my dad’s birthday today. It’s always been kinda confusing for me; you see, for such a sharp mind, I never seem to remember birthdates.

I mostly forget my sister’s (she is always bummed about it).

I don’t care to remember my dad’s (it’s not his actual one, as in, it’s just-on-papers)

And mom’s? I don’t even know when it is! C’mon now, nobody knows it, it’s just that I even forget the fake birth date that has been assigned to her by our family (just to make her happy).

I can only imagine what kinda paradise my parents lived in, where no one bothered to record a newborn’s birth date (let alone remember it).

Oh, good ol’ days!

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