Emosanal Attyachaar!

Went to watched Dev.D today.

It was one of those movies, first-day-first-show of which, I was bent on watching. So there I sat, watching Dev (smoking pot after pot, drinking shots after shots) and not to mention suppressing my own craving for a cigarette.

Two things were abundantly clear.

One, this Anurag Kashyap guy has gone total nuts. Either he has an unlimited source of income or maybe he’s just a die hard fool. I mean look at his track record. No smoking, which was kinda masterpiece (don’t care what others say, I loved it) but so over the top that everyone slammed it. Then Black Friday, whoever saw it loved it but let’s face it again, not too many people saw it. Paanch never even got released (though I’m dying to see it). And now, he gives this. When are you gonna learn Anurag, that you are just wasting your time and your producers’ money by making such films for such hypocrite audience?

Two (and more depressing), too much sex is happening in India and somehow I’m not getting my fair share of it. The amount of sex that was being shown was even more frustrating than the plight of the “modern Devdas”. If this is reality where do I fit in, sir?

At least I’ve my cigarettes!

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