Slumdog, Bee and Hornet.

Is it just me or are really holidays shorter than working days?

Today is last day of my 3 day break and I feel as if it was just yesterday when I was grinning like an idiot, unable to contain my happiness brought on by upcoming break from college. And now here I am, not even able to recall what I did in these last 3 days.

And on college days, I mostly find myself cribbing (while smoking at the Dhaba) in front of Chhotu.

‘It’s just Tuesday, man. Saturday feels like eternity away.’

That’s right. It’s impossible to handle 2 days in college, while holidays, no matter how long, just fly by so fast that everything is virtually erased from the memory, kinda short-term memory loss (I feel like screaming my guts out, just as crazy Aamir Khan did in Ghajini).

Was supposed to make assignments today.

Watched the whole telecast of Oscar Night, followed by The Bee Movie, instead.

Then read Hornet’s Nest and did other faaltu velagiri whole day long.

Procrastinator’s delight, actually…

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