Only if girls were like books...

Infidelity is exhausting.

I never remain faithful to one book at any point of time. My mind keeps wandering and in my defense, how can you expect someone to finish a book of 500-odd pages in one go, without wandering towards other books that are lying there waiting to be loved?

Halfway through Doctors (and keep in mind that I’m not at all bored with it) I’m tempted by the Hard Times lying on our living room table. Not to forget the Chicken Soup For The Teenage Soul, that I’m halfway through (I know it is not exactly what you’d call a “good book”, but I like it).

I’ve borrowed and bought many books and stored them in my cupboard, much to the dismay of my parents and lenders (who are breathing down my neck, asking me to return them). I hate infidelity, but I’m too tempted now.

I’ve around 20 books waiting for me to touch them, open them, give my undivided attention to them (something that never happens when it comes to girls), how can I stop myself?

[Ironically, I bought Ulysses this Sunday. Stupid purchase, given that everyone has told me how tough a read it is and not many people understand it. What am I gonna do?]

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