Perfect life

I’m down with cold and mild fever.

New Year couldn’t suck more. Add to that, got nothing to do either.

Yeah I know, I can’t crib about not having anything to do. I mean this is my normal life. Do nothing, except the things that don’t matter and, of course, getting bored.

But earlier, I used to have things to be pissed about, like the things that mattered and remained undone. But now, I can’t even be pissed about them either. I’m done with my short term goal, that is, to study for the exam. So basically, I’ve done what I’m “supposed to” do and now am bored, for I’ve nothing to complain about either.

Moral: perfect life sucks!

All I’m left with, now, is R.K.Narayan’s Guide and cigarette between my fingers…

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