Endgame begins

Bad news continues to pour in.

Now they say that college is gonna open from Monday. Just when the feeling of exams getting over was about to take over, we have been asked to ready our butts for another round of wear and tear.

Final year, final semester.

Can’t believe it’s about to be over. It seems like yesterday only; when all of us were falling over each other to get in the queue in which Sakshi was standing (we were asked to stand in queue of our respective stream, but it didn’t matter, Sakshi was all we had on our minds).

I agree I always say that college sucks, and it does. But I spent 4 years of my life here (doing nothing, but let’s overlook that point right now).

I remember my first year. New friends, subsequent fights, groupism, bunking lectures, movies and whatnot.

Then gradually, it all became boring, and eventually, unbearable.

They say college is the best time of anyone’s life.

I’m not so sure.

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