Screaming Silence

Years Ago

There was a boy, let’s call him A.

A was a keen learner, always wanting to know about new things. It was kinda impossible for a single thing to hold his attention for too long. He did a job well while it lasted but soon moved on to newer, not necessarily better, things.

A always felt that life was short so he must squeeze in as much as he possibly could.

He had a sketch book, he drew very well. Mostly, he copied different paintings, cartoons etcetera from books, comics and magazines. People used to say that for a boy that young, A was a brilliant artist. He also played chess, and he was good at that too. Sometimes he thought that he’d play chess his whole life.

He used to write too.

His stories were loved by his friends and teachers alike.

His poems got him girls like anything.

‘Poems are tough to read. Only if you could write songs.’ a girl once said to A.

Next evening A got his first kiss, for singing his first song.

Obviously enough, A was an avid reader. He couldn’t afford to buy books, so he borrowed them from here and there, mostly from the school library. A read like mad, sometimes 6-7 books at a time. In the words of his school librarian (while talking to another school teacher about A)

A is a very intelligent boy. He has read almost all the books from our fiction section. And now I hear that he’s quite good at his academics too. I wonder how he finds so much time!’

Time. Time wasn’t an issue. He could work 24 hours a day if need be. The fact that he was insomniac, only helped. All A wanted was to explore different things in life. Learn about the world. Gather knowledge by experience.

He just didn’t want to get stuck.

A wanted to be free!

But then, he hadn’t heard about the thing they called ‘rat-race’.

Unknowingly, A was forced to become a part of it.

His life was never the same, it was ruined forever.

He got, what people made him believe, “educated”.

Present Day

A is having coffee.

These days somehow he constantly remains in the state of boredom. He doesn’t like anything he does. He keeps cribbing about the way his life is going but never ever tries to change it.

A is stuck, doin’ things he doesn’t even know why he’s doin’.

He misses being the A who was once happy.

Such is the effect of “education”.

Only if he had listened to his heart instead of others.

A is typing away on his computer writing his today’s post for his blog.

2 people killed themselves after reading this...:

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Sam said...

wow. food for thought. intriguing, dear.

what doesn't add up?


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