Everybody says, I'm fine!

Okay, so I flunked my JAVA exam.

In fact, I got a BIG zero (by the way, I simply don’t understand why, since time immemorial, have we been using this “big” to accentuate the impact of zero? Is getting a “big zero” somehow worse than getting simply a “zero”?).

Well, getting zero in one of my courses is not such a big deal for me, that’s a usual happening. In fact, on the contrary, I was happy about the other “more important” things in my life.

The new battery of my phone was working overtime; I had gone to the gym on a Monday (that’s pretty amazing now) and my reputation as a guy who isn’t concerned about his studies at all (and thus, is very chilled out) was on an all-time high.

What else could I ask for?!

Anyway, I was walking down the street absent-mindedly when suddenly a bike screeched to a halt with its front wheel just between my legs. It took me a while to recognize the rider (and almost as much time for my balls to relax again!).

It was my friend from like stone-age (read, childhood). Apparently, he was trying to scare me with this high-speed-sudden-break stunt.

He gave a whole new meaning to the term ‘run into’; kinda like, instead of telling someone ‘I ran into Amit the other day’ he’d say ‘I ran over Amit the other day’.

Anyway, it turns out that he’s pursuing English (Honors) from DU (something that I now wish I had done instead of this crappy Engineering stuff) and was going out with like 4 gals at the same time (also something I wish I had done or could’ve done!).

Well, as the evening progressed, I slowly realize that we both were jealous of each other. I was jealous of all the fun (and not to mention sex) he was getting at DU and he was jealous of the “real education” and “job security” I had.

Well, you see? A classic case of grass-is-always-greener-on-the-other-side syndrome. I mean, hell, we both are screwed but both of us would willingly swap the modes of getting fucked.

Really man, life is shitty!

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