
Heena came with us to our college today.

I’d have loved to tell you who she is, but I’m not really sure how to introduce her. Okay, lemme try.

She’s Appu’s girlfriend. That’s what Appu (my friend and co-carpooler) wants everyone to believe. But when you ask her, she won’t acknowledge it. And you can’t blame Appu for declaring his love, ‘coz she ain’t denying it either.

We all have asked her a number of times that is she or isn’t she his girlfriend. And her answer is always plain silence.

Today too, on our way back home, I and Chhotu were pestering her for a definite answer (‘Haan ke Na?’ we went on and on, repeating that famous Omkara dialogue).

As I expected, she didn’t relent.

This reminded me of this peculiar, extremely annoying and, of course, frustrating habit of girls.

When you ask ‘em about love, they never say yes, but take care not to say no either (don’t know about you but it has happened to me a lot!).

They’ll always throw some pretty incomprehensible crap in your face, and before you can work out whether it’s a yes or no, they’d hit you with a “You are chooooo chweeeeeett…”, and BAM!

You’ll be standing on your head ready to do anything for them without questioning them any further (for the time being at least).

If that doesn’t work (or they can’t use it, like Heena couldn’t with us), then they can always switch to the silent mode, which is a pretty safe zone for them ‘coz you can’t possibly make them speak.

But if you’re able to avoid getting hit by these 2 weapons (in which case you’re, believe you me, greatest man ever to walk on earth!), then there is always that ultimate weapon of ‘em all, the equivalent of The Brahamastra when it comes to the war between man and woman.

They start crying.

And you know what, even God concedes defeat then!

2 people killed themselves after reading this...:

planned confusion said...

i do concentrate :p
i get all A's ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey, Thanks for your comment. I guess even though i am only 16 i have already seen my fair share of death and pain.... I like to express it through my writting, to get it out of my head so it doesn't constantly eat away at me... ^_^ Well anyway thanks again....

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