Screaming Silence (Part-II)

Woke up, got ready and had my breakfast.

The whole time, I was silent.

Watched Seinfeld for like 3 hours. Sniggered in between, and that too half heartedly (what’s up with me, I mean c’mon, there’s hardly anything funnier that Seinfeld).

Mom asked me to switch it (angrezi bakwaas, as she calls it) off quite a few times.

Throughout, I was silent.

Fed up of TV, I read Above Average till sunset (finally, it has started to make sense. It’s not as crappy as its first 100-120 pages).

Somewhere in-between that time, dad came and delivered his daily dose of punch-line.

‘If you had devoted half as much time to reading your engineering course books, you would’ve made something of yourself.’

I give a sarcastic grunt, kinda like ‘Ya, rite!’

But, I was silent.

Went out in the evening for a smoke.

Chor and Ashu were there. They were fighting over something about what to EAT, where to EAT (what else can you expect from ‘em?!). There was also something about some fashion week, something about sexy gals and free food.

Unbelievably, I still was silent.

Chatted with Kayla. Online. I was conversing (virtually!).

But technically, I was silent.

Finished with Above Average at last. All this silence is gettin’ on my nerves now. I feel like screaming.

But weirdly, I’m still silent.

I’m still silent!

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Rinkal said...

hiiiiiii thnks for posting comment.i love ur all blogs.thanks for advicing me to check spellings .so keep blogging i will always like ur blog thats my garanty because u are great writer

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